In fact, this Egypt I dream of was much like what I assume many would envision Atlantis looking like. The pyramid structure was not a tomb for an egotistical pharoah but rather a hub to an underground power grid. That is right! The pyramids were part of a power grid similar to what we think of as an an electrical system. But instead it generated power by harnassing energy from the earth and its gravitational interaction with the sun. How they use the power or why they needed it was never revealed in dreams but it seemed all they were trying to create was light as if to illuminate the night sky like a street light. Unfortunately, stories like mine typically get thrown into the other stories concerning UFO's, aliens, and the idea that pyramids were ancient airports for spaceships - none of which I have ever dreamt of or believe in.
The story becomes puzzling as I am told, in dreams that is, a group of something like angels came from the constellation of Orion. They mixed in with this ancient civilization. They were very tall like 30 cubits. Does this start to sound like something from the Bible? Anyways, supposedly, whoever they were, they begqan drawing blood from the animals and eventually became drunk with the blood. Blood became magic. Man became flesh eaters. Their offspring became giants. There was nothing in their law that said they could not take women to be their wives. Earth became unbalanced. The grid was broekn and the knowledge was forever buried. Nakedness became the flesh and the connection between energy and spirit became lost.
Anyways, never believe what I dream to be 100% accurate. Seek the truth for yourself. Below is a link to a documentary that looks at Egypt in way much like what I have dreamt of. Except for the part about others coming from the constellation of Orion, it is quite disturbing that some are beginning to think the ancient past might not have lived entirely in the dark.